Jyoti Dattaram Surkutlawar

Goat Farming is having good scope in India, as there is huge demand for Meat in all over the world. Goat milk has certain medicinal properties, which can improve the plate count in our blood. People suffering from Dengue, Chicken guniya and other fevers which cause depleting the blood cells or plate count. So, Goat milk is necessary for them. One can afford Goat Cattle so that she can get milk from them in addition with meat. Generally, Goats give at least two babies every year. This helps in improve the cattle in number.

 By considering the above benefits, Jyoti Dattaram Surkutlawar, a house wife living in Sagroli Tq. Biloli Dist. Nanded wanted to start a goat rearing business for giving support to her family. Her husband is having tractor and doing work as per demand of people in village. The increasing demand of family and education of her two children Jyoti decided to start goat rearing. She was having previously empty shade for goats and applied for the loan in Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal, sagroli for purchasing of goats. Organization supported her with Rs. 50000/- under project EMBRACE funded by DRISHTI on 4 October 2019. Krishi Vigyan Kendra , Sagroli gave her technical guidance for goat purchase and rearing. She purchased 7 goats with 2 kids in November 2019. Goats have given 7 kidds in last month. Now she was having 9 kids with her. From 9 kids she sold 5 kids for Rs. 12250/-. Additionally she is getting milk for her family. Her father in law is supporting her for rearing of goats. They are taking goats on hills nearby  village for the feed. Hence there is no expenditure on feed. Now Jyoti is very satisfied with her business and thankful towards DRISHTI.  






Panchafula Ramesh Muttepod

Panchafula Ramesh Muttepod 41 years old illiterate woman is living in Anusaya nager, Sagroli. She is living with her husband and son. She is one of the active member of self help group. Many time she actively involves in Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s programmes like Meetings, trainings, melawas etc. she have her own pakka house at anusaya nager. She have kirana shop as her income source.  She wanted to purchase some more kirana material for sale in Diwali time. But not having sufficient budget to purchase. She applied for loan. Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal has given her Rs. 50000/- on 4/10/2019 as a loan. She and her husband purchased kirana (grocery)  items for sale by additing some more money in loan amount. All items they purchased were not available in other shops and very needy. The area where she live, there was more scope for sale because this area is far away from main market of sagroli. Hence she earn satisfactory profit on kirana shaop. She was earning average 6000 Rs per month and now she is getting 7500/- Rs. She is ready to do more work if she get more support in future after refunding of the loan.






Devikabai Balaji Gaikwad

Devikabai Balaji Gaikwad 32 year’s old woman studied up to 5 th standard living at Pochampad area of Sagroli. She has her husband and two children at home with her. She was farm labourer previously. Her husband also is working in one of the company in Hydrabad on very little payment. She decided to support her family by starting kirana shop. She started it before 6 months. She was having very low budget for her shop. As she is one of the SHG member in Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal, she applied for loan. Organization has given Rs. 50000/- on 4/10/2019 for purchase of additional material in her shop. Immediately after getting loan she purchased more material in her shop as that month was Diwali month. The area where  she lives there is a government PHC and rare shop. Hence she is getting good profit.   She replied that, before shop, she was working as labour. Now she is very satisfied because she is now working under shelter in very little efforts and no more drudgery to face. Before loan she was getting Rs. 5000/- per month and now she is getting at least Rs. 7000/- in average per month.









Khajabi Rafik kasar

Khajabi Rafik kasar is 41 years old woman living with her two sons and husband in Sagroli village. She is illiterate. Khajabi,  her sons and husband all have their traditional business i.e. Kasar (Bangles selling). This family is very old family in village. Her son and husband both sell the bangels at weekly market of sagroli and also in village on one thela specially at the time of festivals like diwali, nag panchami etc. Khajabi look after the shop at home. She is one of the SHG member also. She wanted to purchase some bangles for diwali festival. She applied for loan and organisation sanctioned Rs. 50000/-. She purchased the material from wholesale market of Nanded and started selling. She is refunding the loan amount very regularly. Before loan she was getting Rs. 5000 in average. Now after new material her sale increased and now she is getting Rs 6500 to 7000/- per month.






Mahesh Ramlu Kantoli

Mahesh Ramlu Kantoli aged 35 years living with her wife and two children in Sagroli. He is a barber and having shop in the market on rent. Her business was good but he was not satisfied as he was needed chairs and some other material in his shop but not having sufficient budget. One chair cost minimum 40000/- Rs. He applied for loan in Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal, sagroli. By observing his need, organization gave him Rs, 50000/- for chair and other material purchase.  Immediately after receiving loan he purchased chair and some other materials which he was needed from Hydrabad. Now his shop become perfect and his work become comfortable. Now he is very satisfied. He is refunding the loan in time.









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